RV Apps

Must Have Apps for RV’rs

There are a few Apps for RV’rs that they can benefit from greatly. I have some apps I use on a daily basis, I’ve got some apps I use occasionally and some everyday. I’ve also downloaded apps that I used once and never opened again (looking at you PictureThis). Today we’ll focus on a few apps that will help make your day-to-day life easier and safer.

RV Apps

Here’s the apps I can’t live without:

All Stays: $10 One Time Fee

If I had to pick only one Apps for RV’rs to help you on your travels, this is it. With All Stays you can search campsites in the U.S. and Canada and reserve your spot right from your iphone. You can also search for gas and propane services, overnight stay Walmarts and even free public lands to boondock at.

The app is available for IOS devices like iPhones and iPads. And Adroid devises through Google play. However if you don’t have one of these smart phone devices you can access All Stays from their website.

Google & Maps.Me: Free

So obviously a big part of traveling is planning your route. Google Maps is great but what if you lose reception? Well, Google Maps does let you download specific areas so you can navigate without the internet but I haven’t figured out how to download a trip offline yet.

However, if you don’t close the Google Map app or try to change your route, Google Maps will give you route directions even if you go offline. But if you accidentally close the app you could be in big trouble if you can’t get a signal.

This is when I head to Maps.me. Maps.me lets you stay connected to your route on the road completely offline. This app is free to use as well or you can pay a couple dollars a year to get rid of the ads.

All Trails: Free

If you’re going to go for a hike in the middle of nowhere, it’s a good idea to have a plan not to get lost. A five mile hike can turn into a ten mile hike if you take a wrong turn at a trail crossing. Make sure you download a trail map to help you find your way in case you lose your signal or get lost. Which is possible at many state and national parks.

There are other apps I use on my travels, like Harvest Hosts, but these apps above can literally be a lifesaver when you’re out exploring. I’m sure there are other helpful apps out there I’ve never heard of, so feel free to let me and others know about them in the comment section below. 

Charley Waters

I've traveled to 49 states and 3 provinces in Canada living in my RV full-time over many years. I've stayed just about everywhere possible. National parks, state parks, parking lots, BLM land, Independent RV parks and friends and family's driveways. I lived through a crazy Derecho windstorm in Iowa. I got stuck in a winter freeze in Texas.

Living on the road in your RV can be challenging at times. But the good times make up for the bad. I'm here to share my experience and help fellow RVers good decisions while enjoying the great outdoors and vast camping opportunities this country has to offer.

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